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    Blogging, for me, has been a really fun part of my life. I'm grateful that I get to share my work and what inspires me with the world. I've been able to connect with artists, designers, photographers, and other creatives from all over the world - and having this amazing opportunity to promote them and share their talents with you. I have made lasting connections with these individuals, and in turn, with you. It's these connections that bring a lot of joy and inspiration to my life.

    interested in advertising on deret visual ?

    If you think your brand, design, blog, travel or business would benefit from advertising here, I would love to chat with you. The vibe here is minimalism, indie, soulful and free-spirited - if you think we'd make a good team, contact me at dwianom@mail.com  and tell me a little bit about yourself. I can't wait to hear from you!

    the details

    >> Ad size: 219x850 (jpg or png, please no animated ads)
    >> $25 per month / $65 for 3 mo.
    >> All payments are made via Paypal



    *Please note that sponsors are subject to approval. I reserve the right to dismiss all advertising requests that do not fit "Deret Visual" and my readers.

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